More About Me
Since 1980 (Yikes!) I have been striving to act with professionalism and integrity to supply you with all the tools and expertise you will need to achieve your real estate goals and dreams. I have assimilated the importance of taking the time to listen, protect, and respect your very unique and personal situation.I develop a customized personalized quality program for you! using the knowledge gained through my 27 plus years of southern NH real estate experience, continuous real estate training, and drawing on (as we all do) my unique life experiences. [Some of these experiences are: teaching 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades in a northern Maine two room school house; Climbing the NH 4000 footer's (the NH Mountains over 4,000 feet); Obtaining a pilots license; Rescuing a mustang (Cody) and a quarter horse (Della); 5. And most importantly loving and learning from my Husband, Duane, and three sons, and seven grandchildren who are now scattered to Arizona, New York, California, Lousianna, Washington DC and New Hampshire!] I have conducted seminars for Home Buyers, and Home Sellers, informational seminars on Foreclosures, Short Sales, Multi-Family/Investments. It would be my honor to help you!
My Experience: My Caring: My Persistence......Are All Ready to Work With/For YOU!
Just Ask! 603-547-0649 (cell/text)
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